Be informed and get inspired with articles and tips for maintaining a happy and healthy lifestyle.
Every now and then, any person can benefit from taking what many call a “mental health day.” It’s essentially a day away from work duties, digital screens, and other life obligations. It helps a person make a temporary escape from the pressures and frustrations of daily life. On the professional side of things, many employers…
For Women’s History Month (and in general), we are proud to celebrate women and their incredible achievements, including how strong and successful they can be in the face of adversity and even abuse. There are numerous organizations and institutions in the Lehigh Valley that are dedicated to providing support for women who are victims of…
If the cooling weather and shifts in temperature signaling winter’s approach make you feel blue, you may be showing symptoms of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). SAD is a kind of depression induced by changes in the duration of and exposure to sunlight and weather, usually occurring in winter (but not always). Many individuals get a…
According to recent tech and medical publications, Apple Inc. is developing technology with the intent to help diagnose depression and cognitive decline, vying for new tools with the potential to expand the scope of the company’s increasing health portfolio. With a wide range of sensor data that addresses mobility, physical activity, sleep trends, typing behavior…
With Covid-19 as a continuing problem facing our world, many young people are finding it difficult to emotionally cope with the constant social and political upheaval. Last year, the JED Foundation conducted an online survey of almost 200 college and graduate students asking them to rate their mental health as they prepared for the…
In recent years, the use of crystals and stones has gained massive and mainstream popularity. People who use these stones or crystals believe they are effective in healing and creating positive energy. Hence, users feel they help to treat depression. While there is no scientific evidence backing this practice, the use of natural elements for…
Summer is in full swing, which means many people are planning vacations. However, if you struggle with an anxiety disorder, it can be very difficult to enjoy this time of year. This is especially true if travel anxiety keeps you from making the most of your summer plans. There are many reasons why traveling can…
In recent times, there has been a fundamental shift in thinking surrounding the fundamentals of traditional healthcare. These days, we are much more cautious about possible additives and hormones that are present in conventional food products and medicine.