woman with seasonal allergies stuck inside during spring.

Tips for Beating Spring Cabin Fever

Spring is a beautiful time of year. The birds are chirping, the bees are buzzing, the flowers are starting to bloom– and all that charm is completely nipped in the bud when you start sneezing. The CDC estimates that over 25% of adults in the U.S. struggle with seasonal allergies, so rest assured that you’re…

4 Ways to Heal Your Mind During Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a time dedicated to reducing the stigma surrounding mental illness and providing accurate information about how to treat its symptoms. Originally recognized in 1949, this annual observance has never been more relevant than now, as the pandemic has brought to light the crucial role that mental health plays in…

5 Reasons to Choose TMS Center for Depression Treatment

Are you or a loved one experiencing symptoms of depression? For the millions of people who struggle with depression, and especially for individuals who have not found relief from antidepressant medication, alternative treatments are available. Among these treatments is Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), a non-invasive and safe therapy that has shown promising results in activating…

New Depression Treatment FAQs Answered | TMS Center of LV

Treatment for depression has come a long way since its primary causes were thought to include demonic possession in ancient (and not so ancient) times. In Hippocrates’ era, depression was thought of as a mental disorder caused by an imbalance of certain bodily fluids: treatment consisted of practices such as bloodletting, special baths, and methods…

Man speaking with a doctor in an office about treatment resistant depression to explore other options besides medication.

TMS Treatment FAQs Answered | TMS Center of the Lehigh Valley

If you or a loved one have been experiencing symptoms of anxiety or depression, it’s important to know that you’re not alone. Both can be uniquely challenging conditions to manage and can start to affect everything from your personal and professional relationships to preventing you from enjoying your passions.  Luckily, at TMS of the Lehigh…